The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

This massive tome is well worth the time and effort it takes to essay its length. Covering every type of human feeling, aspiration, fear and fulfillment the narrative flows much like the water that pervades the story. Always moving, never the same, leading to an eternal sea of consciousness and meaning.

First Blood by Amelie Nothomb

At times appalling, always lively, uniformly loving, this account of the author’s father and his life experiences is a bright and interesting read, and the reader is left with a warm regard for both the subject and his biographer.

The Postcard by Anne Berest

A gripping search for the enigmatic meaning of a postcard bearing the names of relatives killed in the Nazi camps becomes a quest for personal identification and the finding of an appropriate place in the world. Absolutely intriguing.

The Shining Mountains by Alix Christie

A chronicle of the shameful treatment of the native peoples of the northwest, this eminently readable and engaging novel is informative, touching and passionate, taken from the author’s own family history.

The Wager by David Grann

A sea disaster story of the first order, this is a tale of courage, cowardice, loyalty and treachery, of unwavering dedication to duty and desperate preservation of life in spite of commitments to an imperial military power. It is a “cracking good tale”.

Lone Women by Victor LaValle

A multifaceted horror/western/feminist/gender identification story this is a disturbingly potent narrative of a woman fleeing a curse and seeking peace. Along the way she finds purpose and fulfillment.

This Other Eden by Paul Harding

Based in fact, this novel tells the tragic story of a group of mixed-race islanders evicted from their rightful homes in the name of preservation of racial purity. Compelling and appalling in equal measure, the tale is nonetheless captivating and richly told.

The London Séance Society by Sarah Penner

Seances, spiritualism, murder and Victorian London: how could it get better? Add a young woman who is skeptical of all of this and yet becomes embroiled in sinister paranormal plots with a touch of romance and it all comes together nicely.