The Clockwork Man by E. V. Odle

This most-early mention of a mechanically enhanced human presages the notion of the cyborg with the technology of time but a universal verity. Charming and clearly a product of the early 20 th century this is a delight to read and a revelation to comprehend.

Stories from the Attic by William Gay

Exemplifying the best of short fiction these stories and fragments, accompanied by biographical information of the most compelling sort will please fans of the author and convert those who have not already read his work.

Fourth Quadrant by W. Michael Gear

The post-apocalyptic outcome of an international banking failure thrusts the world into a violent struggle for existence and brings into question the meaning of what it is to “do the right thing”.

Dissolution by W. Michael Gear

An apocalyptic tale of world financial collapse peppered with harsh realities we may be forced to face. A thriller with an eerily real basis that provides possible lessons about our current situation and how it could easily change for the worse.

Razzmatazz by Christopher Moore

A bizarre, hilarious, incredibly inventive fantasy from the master of the absurd. Probably not for nonfiction readers, but for those who love the wild humor of Moore, it’s just the ticket.

May God Forgive by Alan Parks

This is a real page-turner, especially if you enjoy conflicted protagonists, gritty crime fiction and atmospheric landscapes. 1970s Glasgow provides the rainy, gloomy backdrop for this dark tale of crime and near-crime committed by the villains and sometimes by the police.

Saving Yellowstone by Megan Kate Nelson

The history of Yellowstone is checkered with altruism, egotism, greed and cruelty juxtaposed with notions of preserving important natural features for the enjoyment of the people. Great effort went into the conservation of what we now view as one of our nation’s greatest treasures.

After the Romanovs by Helen Rappaport

A comprehensive view of the Russian emigres, exiles from Imperial Russia and subsequently the Soviet Union. Intimate details of persons and outlines of the cultural and political outcomes engendered by the exodus at the turn of the 20th century. Rich with information and meticulously researched, it is a work of great merit.