Written with consummate skill and a fine sense of tragedy in way that only the Irish can manage this novel examines hatred, love, abuse and redemption between men and women and between mother and child.
French eco-terrorists planning a violent protest to an environment-altering dam project are infiltrated by a ruthless and skilled young female provocateur who finds a deeper philosophical life in the writings of one of the movement’s theorists. Suspenseful and richly complex. Satisfyingly current.
A bird who can talk; who can seemingly think in human ways; people who are carried along by questionable motives and inability to change their situation; these are the players. The tale is fascinating, amusing and frightening.
A worthy follow-up to his previous works, this collection of short stories and a novella will surely satisfy any veteran readers of the authors efforts and will undoubtedly convert those to whom his writing is a new experience. Finely crafted and with plenty of punch.