Jeeves and the Leap of Faith by Ben Schott

A more than worthy successor to the legendary P.G. Wodehouse, Schott has captured in every respect the perfect Jeevesian world. Funny in ways we have mostly forgotten, this is pure delight in printed form.

Jeeves and the Leap of Faith by Ben Schott
Little, Brown & Company
Hardcover | $28.00

God, I love P.G. Wodehouse. I read most of them, at least all those my parents had when I was an early teen. The heady world of Bertie Wooster, his gentleman’s gentleman Jeeves and the bizarre cast of characters provided an unending source of refined amusement and sometimes downright belly laughs. The language, the names, the situations were all unusual (for a middle-class American kid, certainly) and often unbelievably complex and funny as hell. Well. So.


Ben Schott has entirely captured all of the above and has propelled it into new territory with more riotous escapades. The transition from Wodehouse to Schott is seamless.


There’s no point in trying to describe the goings-on, the cast of players or the uncanny ability of Jeeves to navigate quite literally any situation, legal or not. Whenever taste and decorum, the ins and outs of bad behavior or simple sartorial adornment of an English gentleman of a certain class are at issue, Jeeves is on call. One simply must experience his omniscience. If you haven’t already done so, you must with dispatch remedy that omission in your cultural development. I can virtually guarantee that it’s unlike anything you’ve read before, unless you have. If Wodehouse is in your wheelhouse, welcome to the new age of Jeevesian pleasure.