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A Leopard-Skin Hat by Anne Serre

This beautifully rendered story of a profound friendship pursued through good times and bad is a literary treasure. Populated by only two characters it is a joy to read and food for the soul. This translation is pure pleasure.

Not Russian by Mikhail Shevelev

The complex and sometimes confusing state of Russian politics and culture is at the heart of this tale of desire, idealism and reality on a collision course. Profoundly revelatory narrative limns the dark aspects of life in this volatile nation.

Here and Only Here by Chriselle Dabos

Imagine all your middle-school nightmares made manifest. Add to that an eerie paranormal aspect that elevates the whole to the maximum level and you have this wildly creative and engaging tale of the middle school from hell.

The Longmire Defense by Craig Johnson

Once again Walt Longmire, a character beloved by many does what he does best: digs up the bones of a long-dead crime which point to a possible murder by Walt’s prickly grandfather and a current plot to defraud billions of dollars from the great state of Wyoming.

A Volga Tale by Guzel Yakhina

A delightfully translated novel combining fairy tale and historical fiction in a fully satisfying story of a misfit struggling to sustain life in a perilous time.

The Woman Inside by M. T. Edvardsson

Less dark than others of the genre, this Scandinavian murder mystery is cleverly plotted and crafted skillfully using only the voices of the principals: victims, suspects and perpetrator. Briskly moving narrative helps maintain a high level of interest throughout.

Sun House by David James Duncan

Profound beyond words with advice and guidance to healing the earth and our relationship with it, finding peace and truth in ourselves and others this book should be read by everyone.