Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell

The short but eventful life of Hamnet Shakespeare, the Bard’s only son is portrayed with passion, empathy and consummate skill which will not fail to capture the reader’s sympathy for father, son, mother, sisters and greater family. Superbly written and paced with great craft, this is a notable work that should not be missed.

Hail Mary by Andy Weir

A space voyager must overcome what seem to be insurmountable difficulties to save earth from destruction and must do it alone. But is he truly alone? Masterfully written with great heart and exciting to the last, it’s a pleasure to read.

The Storm of Echoes by Christelle Dabos

The fourth and final volume of an epic fantasy. Young Ophelia must navigate dangerous waters, avoiding numerous perils. Complex and rich narrative with a multitude of fascinating characters and suspenseful action.


The Bomber Mafia by Malcolm Gladwell


A thoughtful examination of the issues surrounding bombing of combatant nations’ cities, industry and military installations. Two opposing viewpoints make up the impetus of the narrative which is compelling and skillfully outlined. An essential read for historians and students of WWII.


Eternal by Lisa Scottoline

An emotionally charged tale of people thrust into difficult and dangerous situations far beyond their control and how they respond in heroic ways. Tender, thoughtful and written with impressive skill, it is a worthy story, one with which any reader will connect.


One, Two, Three by Laurie Frankel

Triplet sisters born into a flawed world make the best of what they have to see justice done to a community betrayed and wronged by corporate malfeasance, greed and apathy. I guarantee you will love them before it’s all over.

The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore

The remarkable and heroic account of a woman’s struggle to gain freedom from the wholly legal, although morally reprehensible constraints placed upon her by her husband and society is enraging, encouraging and inspiring. Everyone should read this book.


Feral Creatures by Kira Jane Buxton

The completion of the story begun in Hollow Kingdom, this tale encompasses fantastically mutated creatures, the natural world and social commentary. A snarky, smart but narcissistic crow navigates a post-apocalyptic world to protect the last human on earth.

Facing the Mountain by Daniel James Brown

The story of the Japanese American soldiers who fought for the U.S. against the Nazis in spite of their treatment by our government. Heroism and patriotism were displayed both on the battlefield and in internment camps by these worthy citizens.