The Bomber Mafia by Malcolm Gladwell


A thoughtful examination of the issues surrounding bombing of combatant nations’ cities, industry and military installations. Two opposing viewpoints make up the impetus of the narrative which is compelling and skillfully outlined. An essential read for historians and students of WWII.


The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore

The remarkable and heroic account of a woman’s struggle to gain freedom from the wholly legal, although morally reprehensible constraints placed upon her by her husband and society is enraging, encouraging and inspiring. Everyone should read this book.


Facing the Mountain by Daniel James Brown

The story of the Japanese American soldiers who fought for the U.S. against the Nazis in spite of their treatment by our government. Heroism and patriotism were displayed both on the battlefield and in internment camps by these worthy citizens.

The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson

A new and intimate look at Churchill’s daily life, in detail, through the first year of his tenure as Prime Minister. Personal accounts and observations made by those who were with him illuminate this extraordinary biographical work.

February is Black History Month

Black lives and voices are a central part of the American experience. Check out these recommendations from independent booksellers across the country.

Four Lost Cities by Annalee Newitz

Why did people build the way they did? What were their daily lives like, how did it affect the structure of their communities and why did they leave? This is a careful look at domestic spaces, streets and gathering places and the remnants left by ordinary folk. It is enlightening and entertaining, two essential factors in nonfiction narrative.


A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders

The much-admired author gives us entry into the chamber of his literary wisdom, both in reading and writing. With a breezy tone he walks us through the tricks of the trade, useful to enjoying literature and vital to creating it

Earth Keeper by N. Scott Momaday

A moving and meaningful meditation on our relationship to the earth and those things we owe it. Gratitude, respect, appreciation and love. A book for everyone.